8 of the Top Technology Trends for Hotels

technology trends for hotels

In the ever more competitive hotel and hospitality industry, technology can be an exciting differentiator in the race to improve guest experience while streamlining operations. In the post-COVID world, itโ€™s more essential than ever to keep on top of new hotel technology trends, adapting your approach in order to stay competitive and on top of customer expectations.

Discover the Latest Technology Trends Within the Hospitality & Hotel Industry

Whether youโ€™re looking for tech that will help you adapt to the COVID pandemic situation or help you stand out by providing that all-important wow-factor, you need to stay on top of the latest trends and newest technologies in the hotel industry. Letโ€™s take a look at some of the most promising new technology in the hotel industry, from voice tech and contactless payment to mobile tech, smart room tech and more.

Trend #1 โ€“ Voice Control and Search

Voice search was once considered a fun gimmick, but with the rising power and popularity of assistants like Alexa, Siri, Google home assistant and others, voice search and control has become a way of life for many consumers. Not only has voice search become much smarter and more accurate in recent years, it also fits in well with our busy, on-the-go lifestyle, where itโ€™s easier and faster to simply ask a search engine and get instant results rather than tediously type out a query.

The key with this tech is to implement it properly โ€“ an incomplete voice search or command system is just going to leave your consumers frustrated. Consider implementing this functionality as early in the guest journey as possible, such as on your website and booking engine, and then following through with a voice-activated guest experience, from voice-activated room orders and bookings at hotel facilities to in-room voice-activated automation systems.

Trend #2 โ€“ The Smart Room

Voice control represents one part of the larger smart room concept, a leading hotel room technology trend where all room systems are fully automated and controllable by guests through simple commands. Smart room tech is about creating a smart guest experience that is seamless and includes all room systems, from heating and cooling to entertainment systems, lighting and communication. This allows guests intimate control over their environment through automated systems โ€“ providing slick customisation and wow-factor without exhausting staff resources.

Trend #3 โ€“ Mobile Hotel Apps

We live in a time where almost everything we do is facilitated by an app. Want to access social media? Order a takeaway? Run a business call? Get loyalty points? Play a game? Whatever it is, thereโ€™s an app for it! Hotels are in a unique position to really follow emerging mobile app trends, giving guests an accessible and familiar technology that enhances every aspect of their stay. Versatility is one of the best features of this technology, allowing you to implement mobile room key cards over unreliable plastic alternatives, allowing guests to schedule different activities (spa and restaurant appointments, etc) according to their own time, get important information on their stay sent straight to their mobile (their designated parking spot, health and safety updates, etc), and so much more through sophisticated booking and concierge apps.

The benefits of these apps are not limited to the guest experience either, as they have a direct impact on the efficiency, resource usage and costs of a hotel, allowing staff to focus on key customer service areas while letting sophisticated automated technology take care of the rest.

top technology trends for hotels

Trend #4 โ€“ Near Field Communications Technology

NFC-  which is a short range and wireless technology for data transfer without physical touch - is one of the top 10 trends in hotel technology for a number of reasons. Firstly, contactless payment systems are becoming mainstream in todayโ€™s consumer interactions and are becoming increasingly popular amongst consumers for their convenience and security. Secondly, they address one of the main challenges relating to hospitality services during the COVID-19 pandemic, helping to limit the risks of virus transference off of frequently used devices. 

Contact systems like key cards and payment devices require sanitation after every use, which can degrade the device and even affect the card. In contrast, NFC systems allow guests to make payments, access rooms or access amenities without the risk of physical contact with another device. This makes it easier to lower COVID risks, keep all parties safe, maintain strong hygiene protocols and ensure guests have peace of mind when visiting.


Trend #5 โ€“ Robots

The robots are coming, and the hotel and hospitality industry is welcoming them with open arms! Robots can add a touch of innovation and fun to the hotel experience, working in roles traditionally occupied by humans, from running concierge services to welcoming guests and providing a customer service touchpoint. Take a look at Alibabaโ€™s hotel robot or consider the concept of having fine dining meals prepared by robot chefs to see some examples of how robots are already being incorporated into hospitality. 

Since the start of the COVID pandemic, robots have been fast-tracked into additional roles. For example, robots are increasingly being used for behind-the-scenes cleaning and sanitisation roles, helping to increase the frequency and efficiency of critical hygiene protocols while reducing the risks of human-to-human contact and the burden on cleaning staff.

While robots are not yet a common trend, they're definitely one of the most promising future hotel technology trends to keep an eye out for.

Trend #6 โ€“ Chatbots

Chatbots are a great piece of technology that combines artificial intelligence and machine learning to create something of a customer service genie. Itโ€™s essentially a little chat window that pops up either on your hotel website or on your hotel app that provides instant answers to popular guest queries. In an age where we all expect instant access to information, chatbots are a useful way to rapidly provide answers to guests regardless of where they are in the world, what time zone where they are in, or even during your staffโ€™s busiest time periods at work.

Good chatbots operate around the clock without any oversight โ€“ they pull information from the customer and search your website and databases to provide an answer on their own. If the question is too complex or the chatbot is unable to provide the answer, it will automatically forward it to the relevant staff member for a quick response, communicating with the customer that the query has been diverted appropriately.

Chatbots can work for almost any type of business, but are especially effective in the hotel and hospitality industry where businesses get repeat queries about services, bookings, amenities, room types, events, COVID precautions and so forth on a very frequent basis. Just take a look at how appealing and effective a chatbot can be for a hotel restaurant.

technology trends for hotel

Trend #7 โ€“ Recognition Technology

One of the most interesting examples of new technology used in hotels is recognition technology. In a time where our lives are busier than ever and customers expect the ultimate in convenient service, recognition technology offers some exciting opportunities to enhance the customer experience.

Essentially, this is similar biometric technology to that used on many mobile devices and apps where, by simply showing your face, you can access your mobile or authenticate a transaction. This has a wide range of applications in the hotel and hospitality industry, from authenticating your reservation and contact-free checking in to making purchases and transactions for hotel services and products, or even accessing rewards through a loyalty program.

The 5-star Vinpearl Nha Trang hotel in Vietnam is becoming the first resort in the country to adopt facial recognition technology with the goal of improving the guest experience. The technology is being applied to help guests open doors automatically, check in within 3 seconds and pay for hotel services.

Trend #8 โ€“ Cybersecurity and Privacy

The flip side to making technology and connectivity such a central part of our lives and businesses is the security risks that entails. Security and privacy concerns are one of the reasons why cybersecurity is one of the leading hotel technology trends of 2020. While data gathering is an essential part of effectively marketing and even creating personalised guest experiences, guests need to be assured that their personal and private data as well as their devices are fully secured while under your hotelโ€™s care. 

At the same time, the digitisation of hotels themselves can lead to increased risks for ransomware attacks, phishing attacks, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Even simple human error can disrupt operations, leak confidential business and guest information and create a way for criminal elements to attack your business, damage your reputation, and even shut down operations.

As a result, cybersecurity is not so much a fun hotel technology trend as an essential security measure required in an age where digital threats are a very real and devastating reality. 

One example of what increased cybersecurity might look like comes from the Martinique Hotel which is piloting Cyber Safe Travel, a program by risk management firm Cino Ltd. and StrikeForce Technologies. Guests will pay $3 a day to protect up to three devices for as many as three days. They can also purchase an annual subscription for $24.99 that they can use at home or any other hotels.

Creating a Seamless Experience and Work Environment

At times, people may think of technology as gadgets and gimmicks, but itโ€™s clear that technological innovation is far more than that. New technology in the hotel industry is a critical investment for businesses that want to grow with an increasingly digital target market, that want to drive efficiency and utilise staff and hotel resources as effectively as possible, and utilise automation to eliminate essential but menial tasks.

Effectively leveraging new technology in hotels isnโ€™t always easy โ€“ but it is very effective when itโ€™s done right, helping to align your business with current consumer demands, manage the COVID pandemic crisis and give your business an effective edge over the competition.

Want to implement the best new hotel technology trends for your hotel or hospitality business? Proven Partners help hotel and hospitality businesses adapt to new technologies and consumer behaviours in order to keep growing. Weโ€™ll help you navigate the new normal, implement innovative hotel tech and define what makes your business a beacon for consumers in this digitalised age.


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